Thursday, 14 March 2019


Two different arrangements of Lillibellero

Lilibullero by Bellowhead!

This version was used by the BBC

Lillibullero became a popular during the Glorious Revolution of 1688 but the origins of it probably go further back in time......

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

A Directory of Early Music Groups...

Certain groups that perform Early Music also ofcourse may produce examples of Contemporary Early Music. For those interested the link below may be of value. Other directories may also exist, and may appear on this blog, or may be on the internet using a simple world search.

Saturday, 2 March 2019

Nick Wilson, The art of re-enchantment: making early music in the modern era

The above book mentioned in the title of the post can help throw some insight into the background behind Contemporary Early Music, and should be considered essential reading for those interested into practical musical work in this area.

I have included from the google search engine listing reviews of the book concerned.

Early Musical Instruments

The following is a Wikipedian listing of early musical instruments which may be of use and interest  Incidently, an "oddity" which does not appear so far in the link presented is the Viola organista which is a  reconstruction of a planned instrument by Leonardo Da Vinci... now turned into reality. See

File:Edinburgh St Cecilia's Hall.jpg

File:La Morra at Sastamala Gregoriana.jpg

The National Anthem of the Byzantine Empire

  The Byzantine Anthem below can be seen as an "early" piece of  medieval music, and ofcourse here we have some "modern"...